2 Dudes and a Dream 2009

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2 DUDES AND A DREAM focuses on the lives of two dudes with far-fetched dreams. Thomas Price is a wanna-be actor from upstate New York. He dreams of being in movies, but the closest this college dropout has gotten is selling popcorn in his family s movie theater. The other dude is Sebastian Dinkle, an overweight metrosexual living and working on his father s farm in South Carolina. He dreams of being a supermodel. Fate brings Sebastian and Thomas out West; both end up in the same town with the same goal -- to make it big. They become friends and experience the ups and downs of the entertainment industry together. Tons of crazy characters cross their paths: some who will become their friends, and others who will only get in their way. The boys are challenged with many obstacles, from falling in love to falling on their face. Will they go home failures, or achieve their dreams?

Genres: Comedy


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