The Godfather: Part II 1974

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In what is undeniably one of the best sequels ever made, Francis Ford Coppola continues his epic Godfather trilogy with this saga of two generations of power within the Corleone family. Coppola, working once again with the author Mario Puzo, crafts two interwoven stories that work as both prequel and sequel to the original. One shows the humble Sicilian beginnings and New York rise of a young Don Vito, not played in an Oscar-winning performance for Best Supporting Actor by Robert De Niro. The other shows the ascent of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. Reassembling many of the cast member who help make THE GODFATHER, Coppola has produced a movie of staggering magnitude and vision, the film received eleven Academy Awards nominations, winning six including Best Picture of 1974.

Won: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing: Adapted Screenplay, Best Music, Best Art Direction, Best Actor in a Supporting Role (De Niro), 1975 Academy Awards; Outstanding Directorial Achievement, 1975 Directors Guild of America
Nominated: Best Motion Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor (Pacino), Best Original Score, Most Promising Newcomer (Strasberg), 1975 Golden Globes

"Few sequels have expanded upon the original with the faithfulness and detail of this one." -- James Berardinelli, REELVIEWS

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Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller


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