Nobody's Fool 1994

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In his 40th year of moviemaking, Paul Newman added another milestone portrayal to his career in NOBODY'S FOOL, a luminous slice-of-life story set in a blue-collar upstate New York town and laced throughout with humor and heart. Newman, earning an Oscar nomination plus Best Actor honors from the National Society of Film Critics, plays Sully, a likable working stiff who's made a lifetime of bad decisions. But he unexpectedly has a chance to make right on some of them when his estranged son - and grandson - drop into his life. Melanie Griffith and Jessica Tandy, in one of her final roles, are among the talented costars of this engaging film honored on numerous 1994 Ten Best Lists.

Won: Best Actor (Newman), 1995 Berlin International Film Festival; Best Actor (Newman), 1995 National Society of Film Critics Awards
Nominated: Best Writing: Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Newman), 1995 Academy Awards; Feature Film, 1995 Humanitas Prize

"It says everything about Mr. Newman's performance, the single best of this year and among the finest he has ever given, that you never stop to wonder how a guy as good-looking as Paul Newman ended up this way." -- Caryn James, NEW YORK TIMES

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Genres: Drama


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