
TOY STORY 3 cliffhanger screenings, THE DARK KNIGHT sequel, and Roger Ebert hates the 3D film "stampede"

Disney hosted a free screening of TOY STORY 3 for 200 college
students last week in Pheonix, Arizona, but the screening only lasted
65 minutes. Oddly, the lights were turned on about two thirds into the
film, prompting the students to shout "No!" almost entirely in unison.
To be fair, the students were warned that this would happen ahead of
time, as Walt Disney Studios have plans to tour the country while
screening "cliffhanger" editions of the film to college-age consumers.
Why 18- to 24-year olds, do you ask? While usually the college age
group doesn't care much for animated features, they are the ones who
grew up with the TOY STORY franchise. "Today’s college students were
about 3 when the first TOY STORY was released in 1995, and about 7 when
the sequel arrived," reports THE NEW YORK TIMES. "TOY STORY 3 also has
a natural tie-in, since it revolves around Andy’s departure for college
and what that means for the oddball inhabitants of his toy box"

sequel to Christopher Nolan's THE DARK KNIGHT now has a release date:
the summer of 2012.
That's all anyone knows about the film so far. Can you stay excited for 2 more years? (more).

a NEWSWEEK op ed, Roger Ebert added his name to a small list of critics
who denounce 3D films, as he claims that the "crazy stampede toward
[3D] is suicidal"
and "adds nothing to the movie-going experience."
According to Ebert, serious dramas like THE HURT LOCKER cannot be made
into 3D films, which limits the genre to audiences seeking fluffy
entertainment. "For moviegoers in the PG-13 and R ranges, it only
rarely provides an experience worth paying a premium for,"
he writes (more).




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