Garden Party 2008

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Are you young, sexually confused, just trying to get by? Do you sing, dance or possess some other talent? You're ready for a Hollywood garden party. At the center of this party is 15-year-old April, running from one bad situation into another, hoping to find an answer that doesn't involve taking off her clothes. As April navigates Los Angeles, she falls in with a group of confused kids struggling to chase their dreams. The black widow at the center of this web is a sexy, pot-dealing realtor named Sally St. Clair. Anyone who gets too close falls victim to her kinky entanglements. Welcome to L.A.


"An eye-opening peek at the ugly underbelly of a merciless metropolis that could care less about the fate of the least of its brethren." -- Kam Williams, NEWSBLAZE

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Genres: Drama


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