The Lives of Others 2006

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This critically-acclaimed, Oscar-winning film (Best Foreign Language Film, 2006) is the erotic, emotionally-charged experience Lisa Schwarzbaum (ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY) calls "a nail-biter of a thriller!" Before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, East Germany's population was closely monitored by the State Secret Police (Stasi). Only a few citizens above suspicion, like renowned pro-Socialist playwright Georg Dreyman, were permitted to lead private lives. But when a corrupt government official falls for Georg's stunning actress-girlfriend, Christa, an ambitious Stasi policeman is ordered to bug the writer's apartment to gain incriminating evidence against the rival. Now, what the officer discovers is about to dramatically change their lives -- as well as his -- in this seductive political thriller Peter Travers (ROLLING STONE) proclaims is "the best kind of movie: one you can't get out of your head."

Won: Best Foreign Language Film, 2007 Academy Awards; Best Foreign Film, 2007 Independent Spirit Awards; Outstanding Feature Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Actor (M

"A teasingly complex political thriller." -- Stephanie Zacharek, SALON.COM

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Genres: Drama, Thriller

With great irony, THE LIVES OF OTHERS presents a compelling view of a country normalized by the illusion of law -- rules with no room for interpretation, allowing laws to serve as alibis for those who rule with an arbitrary and ruthless lack of respect for justice.


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