Paris 36 2008

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Spring, 1936. In the working-class district of Paris stands The Chansonia Music Hall. With its peeling facade, the theater acts as a dividing line between the city's blue-collar neighborhoods and the encroaching suburbs. The triumphant election of the Popular Front government is greeted with hope yet also stirs up fear. For three show-business veterans, however, that hope has been sidetracked by The Chansonia's closing. When Pigoil (Jugnot), the stage-hand, 30 years with the theater; Milou (Cornillac), the hot-headed electrician, skirt-chaser and union agitator; and Jacky (Merad), the theater's "jack-of-all-trades," convince The Chansonia's owner, Galpiat (Donnadieu), to re-open the theater, the three men are convinced they will reestablish the theater's former glory. Will the dreams of these old friends succeed or will they and the theater be swept away on the rising tide of fear and anti-Semitism that threatens to creep in? The arrival of the mysterious and beautiful young singer Douce, or "Sweety," (introducing singer Arnezeder) holds the key. In the tradition of Busby Berkeley extravaganzas and pre-WWII vaudevilles and cabarets, PARIS 36 celebrates a passion for music, love and liberty and for those accidental heroes who stand up against extreme forces.

Won: Best Female Newcomer (Arnezeder), 2009 Étoile d'Or
Nominated: Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Costume Design, Best Sound, 2009 César Awards

"A gleaming hunk of French period schmaltz expertly rendered by director Christophe Barratier." -- Lou Lumenick, NEW YORK POST

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Genres: Drama


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