Actor / Shelley Duvall

  • user warning: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement query: UPDATE cache_uc_price SET data = 'a:6:{s:8:\"original\";d:11.9900000000000002131628207280300557613372802734375;s:7:\"altered\";d:11.9900000000000002131628207280300557613372802734375;s:18:\"formatted-original\";s:6:\"$11.99\";s:9:\"formatted\";s:6:\"$11.99\";s:15:\"themed-original\";s:70:\"<span class=\"uc-price-product uc-price-display uc-price\">$11.99</span>\";s:6:\"themed\";s:70:\"<span class=\"uc-price-product uc-price-display uc-price\">$11.99</span>\";}', created = 1262698698, expire = -1, headers = '', serialized = 1 WHERE cid = 'ebff003110bc1de12fcda246aa9b705e' in /mnt/stor1-wc2-dfw1/420219/ on line 109.
  • user warning: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement query: UPDATE cache_uc_price SET data = 'a:6:{s:8:\"original\";d:11.9900000000000002131628207280300557613372802734375;s:7:\"altered\";d:11.9900000000000002131628207280300557613372802734375;s:18:\"formatted-original\";s:6:\"$11.99\";s:9:\"formatted\";s:6:\"$11.99\";s:15:\"themed-original\";s:67:\"<span class=\"uc-price-product uc-price-sell uc-price\">$11.99</span>\";s:6:\"themed\";s:67:\"<span class=\"uc-price-product uc-price-sell uc-price\">$11.99</span>\";}', created = 1262698698, expire = -1, headers = '', serialized = 1 WHERE cid = 'f7cff5024d2ff0689988941855996937' in /mnt/stor1-wc2-dfw1/420219/ on line 109.
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  • user warning: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables' in /mnt/stor1-wc2-dfw1/420219/ on line 179.
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