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An emotional end to Cannes & How SEX AND THE CITY 2 epically fails to deliver neither sex nor city

Cannes came to a close with Julia Bertuccelli's THE TREE, a film which NEW YORK TIMES writer Joan Dupont describes as "far from Cannes traditional splashy studio finale" and reflective of a "recurrent theme" in 2010 cinema: interestingly, the theme of "family loss". In the film, Charlotte Gainsbourg (the winner of last year's "Best Actress" award) plays Dawn, a young French mother whose husband suddenly dies and takes the form of a tree (more). THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER warns its readers that "those who cringe at that title should stay away from the film". But they also concede: "given the many who enjoy touchy-feely themes, box office potential is high" (more).

Also at Cannes, French actress Juliette Binoche took home this year's award for Best Actress for her performance in Abbas Kiarostami's CERTIFIED COPY. On stage, Binoche redirected the audience's attention toward Jafar Panahi, the Iranian filmmaker currently in detention in Iran. According to reports from INDIEWIRE, Binoche brandished Panahi's name onstage and pleaded for his freedom (more).

Has SEX AND THE CITY 2 surpassed GIGLI as the worst movie of all time?

No one could have possibly expected reviews for SEX AND THE CITY 2 to be great, but did anyone expect the film to receive a 00% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes? Yikes. In the sequel, the girls escape New York for an adventure in Abu Dhabi, prompting some critics to call the film, "Almost No Sex and Very Little City". What's worse, the film has also been called anti-Muslim and racist. Here's a sample of pull quotes from top film critics:

"The characters of SEX AND THE CITY 2 are flyweight bubbleheads living in a world which rarely requires three sentences in a row." -- Roger Ebert, THE CHICAGO SUN TIMES

"An insult to the memory of the cleverly written show and its celebration of friendship, it's a slap in the face for the four gal pals (often photographed at unflattering angles) and an affront to Muslims" -- Claudia Puig, USA TODAY

"Bad puns, fashion porn, domestic handwringing, contrived plot points, idiotic dialogue and offensive stereotypes. What's not to loathe?" -- Richard Roeper

"The most depressing thing about SEX AND THE CITY 2 is that it seems to justify every nasty thing said and written about the series and first feature film." -- David Edelstein, NEW YORK MAGAZINE

I can't believe no one even mentioned the movie's campaign posters.





My girl loves the TV series, has seen the first SATC and will be crushed if what was said above is true. She just wants to see 'her girls', their clothes, Mr. Big, Aiden and the marriage of Anthony and Stanford. Gasp! She doesn't care so much about the scenery (which city) or the plot (or lack of); she already knows what the movie is about- loosely. It's about 4 rich New Yorkers that worry about what they wear, if they'll ever meet a good man and what Mr. Big is up to. To expect an intelligent, thought- provoking film is ludicrous. Enjoy it for what it is; eye- candy shown to you through the eyes (and minds) of rich women with, let's be honest, no major worries or life issues. Point made. Thank you.

P.S Oh and what is this about the campaign posters? The blatant airbrushing? She already knows about that. Every form of media that portrays men or women as attractive for the purpose of sales uses airbrushing- and lots of it! Ever seen ANY commercials or ANY magazines? Maxim? Victoria's Secret models? Please people... are you really that surprised or naive?

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An emotional end to Cannes & How SEX AND THE CITY 2 epically fails to deliver neither sex nor city

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    Contest to see who can name the worst movie of all time! GIGLI or SEX AND THE CITY 2? http://www.filmfresh.com/fresh_blog

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    My girl loves the TV series, has seen the first SATC and will be crushed if what was said above is true. She just wants to see 'her girls', their clothes, Mr.


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