
What People Are Saying ... A CHRISTMAS CAROL

A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Robert Zemeckis

The holidays came early to the theaters with the release of Robert Zemeckis’ adaptation of A CHRISTMAS CAROL. This marks the third film by Zemeckis to use computer motion capture technology (the others being POLAR EXPRESS and BEOWULF). The film boasts both Jim Carrey and Gary Oldman in multiple roles. Like Zemeckis’ two previous films, A CHRISTMAS CAROL is earning mixed reviews.

What seems to be dividing the critics is the motion capture technology Zemeckis has grown so keen on. Zemeckis believes that this technology is the future of filmmaking. In a recent interview, the director states that "I have more control making a movie than I ever had before with live-action. I'm able to maintain performances by actors, which is where I think the magic comes from, and you get to turn the actors loose without any restrictions."  (more)

Many others are still not convinced. In his review for the WALL STREET JOURNAL, critic Joe Morgenstern says that, “motion capture has become synonymous with a special sort of semi-lifelessness—body language that is vaguely impoverished, faces with limited mobility and dead eyes.” (more)

Zemeckis and the digital technology he loves do have their supporters though. Critic Roger Ebert says that A CHRISTMAS CAROL is “an exhilarating visual experience and proves for the third time [Zemeckis] is one of the few directors who knows what he's doing with 3-D.” (more)

A viewer’s enjoyment of A CHRISTMAS CAROL seems to rely upon his or her feelings on the technology Zemeckis has so deeply embraced. However, A CHRISTMAS CAROL doesn’t seem to be changing the minds of any original naysayers.


This is a nice movie! Recommendet!!!!!

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