48 Hrs. 1982

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John Cates (Nolte) and Reggie Hammond (Murphy) would never be friends& but they're about to be partners. Cates is a hard-nosed cop out to avenge the deaths of two fellow officers. Hammond is a smart-aleck felon, out to retrieve the stash of cash still hidden from his last job. In order to bring the killers to justice, Cates has to find their ex-partner -- Reggie. The catch? Hammond is in the slammer. Now, Cates must use his pull to get Reggie a 48-hour parole...and make him his temporary partner. Director Walter Hill sends Nolte and Murphy on a wild ride, setting the standard for the ultimate buddy-cop thriller. As the boys race the clock, they discover they have only one thing common: they'd both kill to find the bad guys...if they don't kill each other first!

Won: Gran Prix (Hill), 1983 Cognac Festival du Film Policier
Nominated: New Star of the Year in a Motion Picture - Male (Murphy), 1983 Golden Globes

"[48 HRS.] has life, ferocity and humor in place of icy, stylized elegance, and that seems more than a fair trade." -- Janet Maslin, THE NEW YORK TIMES

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Genres: Action, Comedy


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