The Blair Witch Project 1999

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In October of 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsvill, Maryland, while shooting a documentary.  A year later their footage was found.  Now prepare for a motion picture experience unlike anything you've ever seen or heard before.  THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods... but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror.  As the three become inexplicably lost, morale deteriorates.  Hunger sets in.  Accusations fly.  By night, unseen evil stirs beyond their campire's light.  By day, chilling ritualistic figures are discovered nearby.  As their journey approaches, they realize what they are filming now is not a legend... but their own descent into unimaginable horror.

Won: Award of the Youth: Foreign Film, 1999 Cannes Film Festival
Nominated: Screenplay, 2000 Bram Stoker Awards; Oustanding Director of a Feature Film, 2000 ALMA Awards

"There's no denying the terror in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. It's fierce, it's palpable and it gets deep under the skin." -- Edward Guthmann, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

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