Breakfast on Pluto 2005

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Set in the 1970s admist the eruption of British-Irish conflicts, BREAKFAST ON PLUTO is an "enchanting, poignant, and picturesque" (Michael Koresky, INTERVIEW) film from Oscar-winning director Neil Jordan (1993, THE CRYING GAME, Best Writing) that stars 2006 Golden Globe nominee Cillian Murphy (BATMAN BEGINS) and Oscar-nominee Liam Neeson (1993, Best Actor, SCHINDLER'S LIST). Patrick "Kitten" Braden (Murphy) is abandoned as a baby and left on the doorstep of Father Bernard (Neeson). From a very young age, Patrick realizes he is different from the other boys but steadfastly refuses to change. When he grows up, Patrick decides to go in search of his real mother, who now lives in London. Thus begins a touching and funny journey that will lead him to the most unexpected place of all. "Neil Jordan's colorful yarn... a wonderful roiling comedy... celebrates the power of the imagination" (Stephen Holden, NEW YORK TIMES).

Won: Best Director, Best Script for Film, Best Actor in a Lead Role in a Feature Film, 2007 Irish Film and Television Awards
Nominated: Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy (Murphy), 2006 Golden Globes

"Murphy projects enormous energy onscreen." -- Ruth Steine, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

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Genres: Comedy, Drama


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