Dr. Strangelove 1964

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Stanley Kubrick's black comedy classic about an "accidental" nuclear attack received four Oscar nominations (including Best Picture, 1964). Convinced the Commies want to pollute America's "precious bodily fluids," a crazed general (Hayden) orders a nuclear air strike on the U.S.S.R. As his aide, Captain Mandrake (Sellers), scrambles to unlock a recall code to prevent the bombing, the U.S. President (Sellers again) calls a drunken Soviet Premier on the hotline claiming the proposed attack is all a silly mistake, while the President's advisor (an ex-Nazi scientist) Dr. Strangelove (Sellers once more) verifies the existence of a dreaded Doomsday Machine -- a retaliatory device designed by the Soviets to end the human race once and for all!

Won: Best Written American Comedy, 1965 WGA Awards; Best British Film, Best Film from any Source, Best British Art Direction, UN Award, 1965 BAFTA Awards
Nominated: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Sellers), 1965 Academy Awards

"Kubrick made what is arguably the best political satire of the century." -- Roger Ebert, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

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Genres: Comedy, Thriller


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