The Hunt for Red October 1990

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Based on Tom Clancy's best-seller, directed by John McTiernan (DIE HARD) and starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin, THE HUT FOR RED OCTOBER seethes with high-tech excitement and sweats with the tension of men who hold Doomsday in their hands. A new, technologically-superior Soviet nuclear sub, the Red October, is heading for the U.S. coast under the command of Captain Marko Ramius (Connery). The American government thinks Ramius is planning to attack. A lone CIA analyst (Baldwin ) has a different idea: he thinks Ramius is planning to defect, but he has only a few hours to find him and prove it-because the entire Russian naval and air commands are trying to find him, too. The hunt is on!

Won: Best Effects: Sound Effects Editing, 1991 Academy Awards
Nominated: Best Sound, Best Film Editing, 1991 Academy Awards

"A skillful, efficient film." -- Roger Ebert, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

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