Manhunter 1986

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Three years after leaving the police force, Will Graham is begged by an old colleague to return, to help track down a murderer who operates on the full moon and has murdered two entire families. Endowed with a sixth sense, Graham has never used conventional ways to find psychopaths. Instead, he has developed a method which is dangerous for his own mental health for it allows him to be accepted by people with deranged minds and enables him to construct a path that will lead to the murderer.

Won: Critics Award, 1987 Cognac Festival du Film Policier
Nominated: Best Motion Picture, 1987 Edgar Allan Poe Awards

"The movie drives along with such intensity for much of the time that you can just let it work on your senses without worrying about whether it makes sense." -- Walter Goodman, THE NEW YORK TIMES

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Genres: Crime, Thriller


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