Memento 2000

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Leonard (Pearce) suffers from a rare brain disorder -- the inability to form any new memories. He can remember in detail everything that happened before his injury, but anyone he has met or anything he has done since that fateful night, simply vanishes. Who are his friends? Who are his enemies? What is the truth? In Leonard's world, the answers to these questions shift and change from second to second. And the more he tries to figure out what is true and real, the deeper he sinks into a multi-layered abyss of uncertainty and surprises. The revenge thriller gets an unforgettable new twist with MEMENTO, as Leonard chases a murderer whose identity he cannot possibly ever know for sure.

Won: Best Feature, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Female (Moss), 2002 Independent Spirit Awards; AFI Screenwriter of the Year, 2002 AFI Film Awards
Nominated: Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen, Best Editing, 2002 Academy Awards; Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures, 2002 DGA Awards

"MEMENTO doesn't just draw you into a dramatic mystery, it makes you aware of human mystery." -- Desson Howe, WASHINGTON POST

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Genres: Mystery, Thriller


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