The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc 1999

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The year is 1429. France is in political and religious turmoil as members of the royal family battle for rule. But one peasant girl from a remote village gave her country the miracle it was looking for. Milla Jovovich is Joan of Arc, a young woman who would inspire and lead her countrymen until her execution at the age of nineteen. Raised in a religious family, Joan witnessed her sister's rape and death at the hands of an invading army. Years later, as the same war raged on, Joan stood before her king with a message she claimed came from God: give her an army, and in God's name she would reclaim his diminished kingdom. But was the message real, or the delusion of a girl whose life had been shattered? This startling epic drama by Luc Besson explores the life of Joan of Arc, her amazing victories, relationship with God, and tragic death.

Genres: Drama

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