Ninja Assassin 2009

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Taken from the streets as a child, Raizo (Rain) is transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them... and vanishes. In Berlin, Europol agent Mika Coretti (Harris) has stumbled upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of assassins from the Far East. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow (Miles), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind the murders. Her investigation makes her a target, and the Ozunu Clan sends a team of killers led by the lethal Takeshi (Yune), to silence her forever. Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, but he knows that the Clan will not rest until they are both eliminated. Now, entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the streets of Berlin, Raizo and Mika must trust one another if they hope to survive... and finally bring down the elusive Ozunu Clan.


"Lives in the moment, a visceral gouge of a picture." -- Stephanie Zacharek, SALON.COM

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Genres: Action, Adventure


very good quality

I was told not to waiste my time by watching this Movie. Terrible I was told Terrible!!!

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