Our Lady of the Assassins 2000

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From the director of REVERSAL OF FORTUNE comes this powerful, critically acclaimed story about the search for love and redemption in a society gone mad. World-weary author Fernando has returned to his native Columbia to live out his days in peace. But Fernando's once-quiet hometown has become a hotbed of violence, drugs and corruption. On the brink of despair, Fernando meets Alexis, a beautiful but hardened street kid who lives by the rule of the gun. Together, they forge an unlikely relationship.

Won: Best Work of a Non-Latin American Director on a Latin America Subject, 2000 Havana Film Festival; Best Film, 2001 Verzaubert - International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival; The President of the Italian Senate's Gold Medal, 2000 Venice Film Festival
Nominated: Golden Lion, 2000 Venice Film Festival

"The color and mood of the film, shot in high-definition video, make the movie feel paradoxically hallucinatory and realistic in a documentary sense." -- Stephen Holden, THE NEW YORK TIMES

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Genres: Crime, Drama, Romance


You so important movie channel, can not give you abuse this important Colombian film, handling titles are as belonging to the film as its argument, is the essence, the beginning and end of a series of sensations that can only feel those who see it, when a title of a film changes, changes his argument. not change the title, please.
The film is called: - LA VIRGEN DE LOS SICARIOS -

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