
Finds of the Day - 1/6/10

Happy 2010!

Things might be looking up, according to film writer Bob Verini's report on recent trends in Academy Award-worthy films. While gloomy movies like NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, and THE READER have dominated awards shows in recent years, Verini believes that a sea change has occurred. With awards ceremonies recognizing films like Pete Docter, Bob Peterson and Thomas McCarthy's UP, Nora Ephron's JULIE AND JULIA, and even (500) DAYS OF SUMMER, it appears that cheery movies are taking the lead (more).

Sam Mendes, the acclaimed director of AMERICAN BEAUTY and ROAD TO PERDITION, may direct the next James Bond movie. While Mendes is renowned for his eclectic projects, from gangster period dramas to contemporary road-trip comedies like last year's AWAY WE GO, the film community is surprised by this news. Nonetheless, Mendes' publicist, Sara Keene, confirmed this morning that Mendes has been meeting with the Bond franchise, though nothing is confirmed yet (more).

Some conservative movie critics are upset by the political messages behind James Cameron's latest film, AVATAR. James Nolte, for instance, calls the movie "a thinly disguised, heavy-handed and simplistic sci-fi fantasy/allegory critical of America from our founding straight through to the Iraq War." Nolte continues: "It looks like a big-budget animated film with a garish color palette right off a hippie's tie dye shirt" (more).


en français si sais possible merci

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