
The Controversial TICKED OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES, The Sandra Bullock "Trade", and a 3-D Hater


The media advocacy group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) is urging organizers of the Tribeca Film Festival to remove the film TICKED-OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES from their lineup, arguing that the film "make[s] light of the horrific brutality" that transgender women face. The film, which premieres in late April, was directed by the openly gay writer-director Israel Luna. It stars a group of trannies seeking revenge (à la Kill Bill) against their violent attackers, who injured them and killed some of their friends.


“[TICKED-OFF TRANNIES] demeans actual transgender women who struggle for acceptance and respect in their day-to-day lives and to be valued for their contributions to our society," GLAAD said in a statement released last week. “In this film, repeated shots of a baseball bat covered in clumps of hair and blood are grotesque – and serve only as horror movie-like gore…There is nothing funny about the murders of the countless LGBT people who have fallen victim to hate-motivated violence.” GLAAD has also reached out to director Israel Luna, arguing that all parties involved should contact the Tribeca Film Festival's organizers and demand that they remove the film from the festival's lineup (more)


In a rather odd op-ed piece, David Brooks debates with himself over what he calls "The Sandra Bullock Trade", using the actress's roller-coaster month, with a victory at the Academy Awards followed by a tragic discovery of her husband's infidelities, to mull over the question: "Would you exchange a tremendous professional triumph for a severe personal blow?" Hmmmmm (more)


Were you drinking the haterade when you saw this?


SALON.COM's writer Mary Elizabeth Williams recently saw a Sears advertisement for a 3-D television. Given that ALICE IN WONDERLAND (3D) and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (3D) are the currently the top films in the country, Williams concludes that "resistance is futile...The future of entertainment is here." The 3-D movement, however, doesn't charm her: "I can’t be the only astigmatic who would prefer not to have to choose between wearing her own glasses and seeing a blurry movie, wearing the 3-D glasses and seeing a blurry movie, or wearing two pairs of glasses on top of each other," she writes. "I can’t be the only migraine sufferer who doesn’t need much visual overload to trigger an episode that’ll leave me curled up in bed weeping in pain. I sure as hell can’t be the only mother who just about fainted dead when she saw the inflated ticket prices for CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS." So, readers, what do you think? Is Williams the only one who doesn't seem to be moving with the 3-D tides? (more)












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